As The Rooster Crows

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And then the Rains Came

Sitting here in central Connecticut as the rains have moved in. The Mid-Atlantic and Northeast U.S. have been quite dry for some time. Our first five days of travel, MD, PA, VT, NH and CT were warm sun lit days. Now we are in place at our son’s home in Tolland, CT and it looks like no sun for anyone on the East coast for the next five days. Along with no sun, lots of rain and perhaps a Hurricane a pending Air Force vs. Navy football game in Annapolis might be an aquatic adventure.


Tropical storm Joaquim is down in the South Atlantic and a possible track along the East Coast could make attending the game a miserable experience. Things have been relatively quiet for the Atlantic Hurricane season the past few years. No one is complaining about the lack of activity over the past few years. Me being a former weather person back in my military days, tend to follow and try predicting tracks of storms as a hobby. Often in the past we have run a family betting pool, big stakes by the way. Sometimes we’d bet buck, perhaps a bottle of wine, especially if the girls are smitten with the competitiveness. I’m always promoting that family zealous atmosphere.114425


Looking back to our five day adventure, Burlington, VT and the Courtyard Burlington Harbor hotel was a grand experience. Our water view and the setting sun over the lake descending into the  Adirondack mountains of New York were spectacular. Lunch at Sweetwaters American Bistro was an experience not forgotten. The sheer volume of Food was eye bulging and very well prepared. Collectively we had Ahi Tuna, Bean Burgers and a Bean Burger salad. A spicy Chicken Taco was our appetizer which could have fed a small army. This restaurant was located in the Church Street Marketplace. Street vendors, Stores of every description as well as performers and musicians abound in this area. We walked downhill to get to Church St. After the meal we were heading back to the Champlain campus for our tour. This trip would be all up hill, I knew my recently repaired knee would not make the climb. Davids kindness prevailed for an old man and I had my first Uber ride.

After our campus tour we had dinner, always the food, at Olive Garden. Food good, Branyant University Soccer team there having a meal also. They would play UVM the next day and loose, 2-1.

Yelp Photo


Sunday morning saw us in Winooski for breakfast with David. Our meal here was consumed in Sneakers Bistro. Volume and great food were once again the norm. After a photo of David and yours truly in front of a Tatoo Parlor, we would drive the well fed college student back to campus and begin our circuitous back roads route to our next stop, Brattleboro, VT. 

Semper fi, catch you all further down stream. Rooster Logo


Where did David go?

I’m not sure if it was the chaos of a long day or what but David got tossed to the wind last night in the Vermont Blog. I shall attempt to get him to reappear through the magic of WordPress.

David at the controls in the Production room.

Vermont Today

Today was a special day for the Mrs. and I as we got to spend the better part of the day with our grandson David. David is a Junior at Champlain College in Burlington, VT .Below is our hotel room’s view across Lake Champlain to the mountains of NY state.


David is an aspiring media specialist in the art of sound mixing. ( At least that’s how I would describe it.) The art he creates and how it’s done is not even within the parameters of my understanding. Here’s a picture of David doing some sound mixing for Grannie and Pop Pop.

Here is a great article that might help you understand some of what a Media Specialist does.

It was a grand day to drive from Albany to Burlington. We got off the beaten path at Lake George and followed Rt 9 north the entire length of the lake up to Ticonderoga. Now there is some history for you. The below photo of Fort Ticonderoga is courtesy of Wiki Media.


For all those of you who are fellow graduates of Blogging 101, I hope to continue to learn and grow from following you in the Blogging World. I’ve enjoyed being here with my fellow 70 something partner. I look forward to commenting on you and I hope to continue recognizing you once this road trip ends. No more road trips until December when we’re off to Ireland for a week.

Keep those eye glasses clean Michelle.

Enjoy your Sunday,

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Relating to the 10 Rules of the Writing Road


With no category for those 10 rules in my notes, I’ll just call them the above.

One of us, that would be another Blogging 101 student, Tlizzy, commented on a community blog where we could get to know each other better. So I thought I’d grab that list of 10 things I have no clue where it came from and expand on each topic a bit and how it expresses me. Thanks for today’s inspiration young lady.

So many of us in the great abyss of the blogging sphere are mystery people with vagueness as an identity. I’m one who’s pretty much out there in the open with my identity here as well as FB and Twitter.


Read often; I’ve definitely fallen off in that aspect for the past three weeks. I have been in and out of Francine Prose a little ,“Reading like a Writer.” It’s called ‘A love letter to the pleasures of reading” by USA TODAY. I finished 10:04 by Ben Lerner, an interesting read. I finished it just a bit prior to this 101 thingy. Starting Friday night, James Patterson & Maxine Paetro’s  “Unlucky 13.”  Geez I do hope I pass this class.

Write daily;  On year two of this enlightenment.


Seek feedback (preferably from more experienced writers); I asked for that in the recent assignment requesting us to do so. It is something I shall continue to do as I blog. With the Pope here, it’s good to be humble and ‘God Bless America.”


 Abandon ego;  From Mr Webster – the defeat was a bruise to his ego: self-esteem, self-importance, self-worth, self-respect, self-image, self-confidence. I don’t feel we need to abandon all. Let us be honest within our selves and what we pass along to others. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it is there a sound? Much like our written word in this medium, Let us not get too full of ourselves or the word will not be heard. Lets just throw narcissism out.

 Proofread everything; Something I continually try to do.


 Observe the world;  Follow the Blogs, read, travel and experience. Something I’ll do soon, heading back to VT, NH, MA and CT and view the fall colors and smell that dry leaf scent. If you’ve lived amongst it, you know what I mean.


Take notes constantly;  Continually trying to expand the organizational content I put to paper.


Emulate your favorite writers;  I’m just trying to be me and have my readers feel or see what I’m writing. Once many years ago in a Law class, ‘Laws of Arrest & Search and Seizure” by Arnold Markle, (now deceased,) I learned the following. Make the Jury see your testimony through Rose Colored Glasses.


The Free Dictionary states that seeing through rose-colored glasses is being cheerful to an excessive degree, being very optimistic about the world. Seeing through rose-colored glasses is blocking out negative things and seeing only positive.

That is what I try to do. There are many authors out there who’s work I love to read . I don’t try to be them, I try to learn from them and most importantly, enjoy them.

 Revise, revise, revise; Something I’m  getting better at. Thank the good Lord for “Spell Check.”


 Embrace structure;  When I first started Blogging 101, I was all over the place, I was Attention Deficit Disorder. I think it was a road map issue with too many buttons, badges and bows. This referral, that referral just where does the old man go? It has improved immensely. It’s definitely something I have to continue working on.


So what do I see I’ve done with this post? I just threw E.B. White’s (SIMPLICITY) under the bus.


2,580 Characters

My gift to you today comes from SunSweet in the form of a recipe.


4 strips bacon
1 large shallot, thinly sliced
1 lb fresh green beans, ends trimmed
1/2 tsp each: salt and dried marjoram
1/3 cup dry sherry
1/2 cup Sunsweet Amaz!n Diced Prunes
Freshly ground pepper to taste


Cook bacon in a large skillet until crisp; remove and drain on paper towels. Drain all but 1 Tbsp of bacon grease. Add shallots and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat to soften. Add green beans and seasonings; cook and stir for 5 minutes more or until green beans are crisp-tender. Add Amaz!ns, sherry, and cook until excess liquid has cooked off. Season to taste with pepper and crumble bacon over top.

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We can be taught, What makes a great teacher? From 365 Days of Writing Prompts.

The mere fact that I’m here writing something at the ripe old age of 72 is proof positive that we can be taught. My being in an on-line class is another prime example. You would be surprised at the number of folks I come into contact with, say “really,” and just give me a blank stare when I mention Blogging 101 or WordPress


Last year at this time I was in a Journal Writing class at our local Community College. The class got cut short due to an illness and injury to our instructor. The few class’ I did get to attend really rekindled my itchy fingers to grab the pen once again. As I’ve mentioned in an earlier post I had been writing in my journal every day for a year on September 11 of this year. It was that short class that propelled me to continue on.


My journal is an eclectic mix of Diary, Travelogue, Weather Report, Story Teller, Family and Friends Activities, Copious Note Taker, Deep and Expressive Thoughts, and so much more. Now that I’ve jumped on the Blogging 101 ship, my journal serves as a reminder of the constant thoughts to blog which keep popping into my head. Blogging 101 has re-lit the fire. And this Blog, “As The Rooster Crows” is that eclectic mix like my Journal.

I first blogged in 2008 on Blogspot (http:\\ Should you ever get idle time with nothing better to do, hop over there and check out a few old posts. Nothing specific mind you, just a lot of this, that and other things. This address will take you back to a few of my first posts if interested.


I have spent a bit of time here on my Apple, reading, posting to and liking numerous blogs that I follow, and a few I don’t also. I went back in time to October 4, 2014 and found a draft of notes I had written down during that brief course. There were things to read and sites to look at as part of that Journal Writing class. There were also 10 things a writer should adhere to, however, where that came from I do not know. I guess the copious part of my note taking wasn’t that good so early on in the learning process.


All of the links you see below were provided by or inspired by that teacher.A good teacher will provide the tools necessary to accomplish the tasks given to be completed. She did that, and here are some of them. We continue the journey of writing through Blogging 101. Thank you WordPress. Thank you Susan Canfora for throwing wood on those burning embers waiting to ignite more brightly.

Just a little side note to having the tools handy. The elders in our family draw names for Christmas gifts. This past Christmas my granddaughter in Oklahoma, the Air Force Lieutenant you’ve been previously exposed to had me for her Secret Santa gift purchase. I got so many nice tools and a subscription to Writers World, that I shall ever be grateful for her selection. Thanks again Samantha.

books under tree

Now, the site below is great for us fiction writers. I haven’t written any yet, but one day it shall materialize. It’s a Buck ($1.00) a month if you can afford it.

Some  places to go and  things to read: From my copious note taking once again.

Nieman Reports, News Media Ethics, QuillJournal of Mass Media Ethics, Western Folklore, Journal of American FolkloreNew Media and SocietyContemporary LegendJournalismRural Sociology and Journalism and Mass Communication Educator.

Quora has some great tips in the below site. We are all writers and there is something for each of us to learn from this site.

There were also 10 things a writer should adhere to, however, where that came from I do not know. I guess my note taking wasn’t that good so early on in the learning process.

  • Read often;
  • Write daily;
  • Seek feedback (preferably from more experienced writers);
  • Abandon ego;
  • Proofread everything;
  • Observe the world;
  • Take notes constantly;
  • Emulate your favorite writers;
  • Revise, revise, revise; and
  • Embrace structure.


 Rooster Logo Semper-fidelis

Sunday in the Fall

Getting some writing in until 1625, then its the Eagles vs The Boys. Love the Brotherly Love.

Have a Blessed Day all.

1 + 1 = 2 + Faith = 5

For years, Jeff and Kristin Phoenix dreamed of being foster parents and helping children in need. However, God had something else in mind beyond their dreams. Unfortunately, the journey wouldn’t be easy. Watch how God used their faith to shine a light through some dark moments for them and their children, that gave them hope:

Kristin’s mother and father are long time friends and supporters of many good things in the greater Washington, DC area. Kristin is proof positive that the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. The Rooster and his family are proud to put the good works of these two dedicated foster parents out there in the great abyss of the Blogging World.

You can follow this story on Facebook @: Kristin Phoenix (Burning Brightly) Making the world a better place, 3 children at a time.

If your driving in the DC area  tune into 91.9 for some uplifting music and dialogue. Check them out on the Web @:

The Rooster and Company Love you.


Blogging 101, Day 9 – Writing Venues

Blogging 101, Day 9 Assignment

Today’s assignment: write a post that builds on one of the comments you left yesterday. Don’t forget to link to the other blog! That would be http:\\ and

Today I’m on my oldest daughters porch in the village I’ve previously mentioned. Here’s a site or two you can go to and gain a bit of knowledge on this tiny little hamlet.


This is my home office, situated in a building we call the Annex. At one time it was a garage, It is heated and air conditioned. The old overhead door was replaced with French Doors. It has a full bath, 4×8 work shop and Directv for those Football Nights. Yes I have the NFL package. We also have a sofa bed, fridge, freezer and micro wave. When company comes we are in the Annex and the guests do the house. The only IT I have is using my iPhone 6 as a personal hot spot. Slow! So I compose here and transmit at other venues.

To be politically correct I live in an area that was once designated as Trinity. It had a church and small school at one time. It’s on some older maps should you wish to search for it. As far as a mailing address, it’s 21822 which encompasses rural areas in 3 counties. No rel town per say, just a Postal mail route.

The Meanderings of just kind of grabbed me yesterday. Day 9 of Blogging 101 is how this post developed from Big Erik. He kind of has that multi tasking writing quality I feel I’ve brought to the table also. When I went to his Music sub-catagory and read his Bass piece, I felt an instant bond, but not for myself, for my grandson. My grandson David is a Bass player and an inspiring undergrad at a school in Vermont. He categorizes himself as Sound Designer/ Motion Animator/ UX Designer/ Hungry College Student. Never mentioned the Bass though. Guess the fishing is not very good up there.

I’ve forwarded your site to him Erik. You can catch him on Twitter at

Somewhere on either Big Erik’s or Megan”s site the place where we write was mentioned. As for me and my writing, It’s all over the place, geographically speaking.. This is in light of the fact that high speed internet does not exist in rural Wicomico County, Maryland. I can construct using my Mac Pages off line, but when it comes to up and down loading it’s travel time. That Verizon MiFi just doesn’t do the trick.

My usual venues for putting the final Blog up consist of the following. Daughter #1 where I am now. Did I also mention their dog, a Yellow Lab who goes by the name of Lady Liberty is a ward of mine when she and her husband are out of town, And that my friends is quite frequently. The husband is “Where in the World” and right now that would be Nigeria where he would be.

Earlier I posted a picture of my writing haunt over the Wicomico River at daughter # 2’s condo. During good weather, this is with out a doubt my favorite location. Water seems to have such a great relationship with writing. There is no white noise but on occasion the throaty chugging of a tug pushing a barge brings pause to this writer’s pen. When the Bass fisherman are plying their lures in and out of the piers and bulkheads, I find myself glancing up often to hopefully see them hook the big one. Do you remember Henry Fonda in the movie “On Golden Pond?” “Walter” was the name of the big one he was seeking out. It’s hard to believe that film came out 34 years ago. It would be Henry Fonda’s last picture.

on golden pond

There is one occasional negative factor at the condo and her name is Roux. She’s a skinny little de-clawed grey tiger cat who just harasses the hell out of me. She will lure you in to pet her, smack you repeatedly and then attempt to bite you. Often when I’m on the balcony she will intertwine herself around and about my legs and then attempt to bite a chunk out of my calf. After several years of frequenting this abode I only recently learned that at one of her favorite attack sites, her treats are hidden in a close by drawer. Now ‘ you think my daughter and grandchildren would have clued me into this important information long before now? The fact that a Roux is a mixture of fat and flour used to thicken broths and soups just doesn’t strike me as something to name a pet. Perhaps they’re wishing the skinny little varmint will gain some weight.If you’re into cooking and don’t know how to make Roux, check this out

I’ve also used Barnes and Noble, Panara, Rise Up and Starbucks quite a few times to get my blog out. If your in the Salisbury, Maryland area and have a hankering for a cup of Joe, give “Rise Up” a try. If it doesn’t suit you, head over to Starbucks for a Pikes Roast.

So, when I’m any where other that home I can be Speedy Gonzalis, when I’m home the motto is “How slow can you go?” No streaming at this house. There is a small family cemetery across the street and I often wonder, did they die waiting for an internet connection. I’m guessing not, some sites date back to the 1800’s.

I can write a whole lot more on this getting the Blog out there stuff but for the sake of Brevity, I’ll end here.  E.B. White wrote a lot about ” Brevity” Her’s another site I follow on that subject. Big Erik for a great site as well as the referral site

And Megan, thanks to you also for a lot motivational content in your Blog.

Oh, and as for daughters #1 and #2, that’s just birth order, they’re both A+ in my eyes. Love you ladies.


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Meet me on the Red Carpet









Dee Lataille, and Kathryn Fiddler, childhood friend, snuggle up to the Emmy awarded to Dee’s brother Brian Lataille, last night in Hollywood. The girls were Brian’s guests and got to walk the Red Carpet for the evening’s event.

Congratulations Brian, company on the mantel for your previously awarded Oscar?


My daughter Kathryn giving Brian a big hug with his newest Mantel decoration. Neighbors, friends, classmates and confidants since 1972. You Rock Brian.



Brian Lataille on right at the Cinematographers/Electronic Production Nominee Reception in North Hollywood, California. | Television Academy

Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video Control For A Limited Series, Movie Or A Special – 2015

    • Winner
  • Brian Lataille, as Camera
  • The Oscars
  • ABC
  • The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

A Post from the past



I’ve had my 2’nd cup of Joe and was outside putzing when the rain drove me inside. Well, not actually, I walked. Can’t do my outside stuff so here I am delivering another post. I’ve included a few links to help familiarize you with the area and a few of it’s inhabitants, enjoy. Don’t forget, Blogging 101 week II resumes tomorrow. This is a rewrite from a post I made on our competitive site Blogspot a year ago.

September 28, 2014

On Thursday, during one of my walks on 15 beautiful acres along the Wicomico River, the great fisherman appeared. I’ve often equated the mighty Blue Heron with the Air Force C-5. As the C-5 seems to glide effortlessly just short of a stall, so the Blue Heron replicates that airborne beauty. With Dover AFB so close we get to do a lot of comparative studies.



My photo with an iPone 6, above photo courtesy of flicker stock.

The otherwise solemn fallen pine from a storm gone by, becomes a picturesque resting place for the Heron to search for a seafood meal below. This fellow could have been a descendant from Michener’s Heron that walked the shore in search of a Blue Crab meal so many years ago.

Maryland is a unique state with a wide range of topography. From the sand and the ocean to the mountains of the west, it has what you seek in natures beauty.

Through time I hope to share my state with you as well as Connecticut where we spent twenty years prior to moving to Maryland in 1988.

Have a great day all you Blogging 101 classmates, we’re back at it tomorrow.

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