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A Trip to Crisfield

Travels with Harrison on 12/21/2020 

The above bird feeder was a gift from my weekly companion, Harrison.  Harrison was insistent I accept the gift of this bird feeder as it will help me remember him. I assured him, that for a host of reasons, I could never forget him or our weekly adventures. He brings joy to my heart each and every day we are together.

We two have been traveling and dining companions for over a year now. No trip has ever been the same, even if the place traveling to was driven before. Travels were such on this day as we found ourselves heading to Crisfield, MD. On this day, as are most, we headed first on a trash run. As we depart the house through the garage, I notice numerous tied trash bags and paper bags with recyclables sitting at the base of the slalom course that serves as a ramp for Harrison and his walker. I’ve often wondered why it’s not called a wheeler, as it’s something you wheel along in front of you. 

Harrison is forever in amazement with the recently built Round-About which graces the intersections of, Camden, Riverside, Carroll and Mill streets in Salisbury. This section of roadway always leads to conversation about the Netherlands and that countries many roundabouts.  Harrison’s father emigrated to the United State from the Netherlands back around the turn of the century. This time last year we were in the Netherlands as well as a host of other countries in the general area. On one day’s trip from Garmisch, Germany to the Netherlands we hit Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and France. Most of that trip while traveling through the Alps was in a snow storm.

Let me get back to our trip to Crisfield. At five miles outside of the city we notice a combination bike and walking trail all paved and running parallel to Rt. 413. With Harrison being eighty eight years young, and me only ten years behind him we pass on parking at the beginning of this trail and choose to drive into town. With age comes common sense.

Crisfield Still Waiting For Government Help After Sandy – CNS Maryland
CNS MD photo.

We drive around town, check out the waterfront and hit a few neighborhoods. There has been a lot of rain the past few months and many properties not usually waterfront, are now so. There is not a whole lot of high ground on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, especially in Crisfield, The Blue Crab Capitol of the world.

There were few restaurants open on this cold dreary day so we settled on a McDonald’s. With a Cheeseburger being my partners favorite meal of choice, how could we go wrong. Well folks, let me tell you, it was not to be a Cheeseburger, no sir, not on this day. A big old sign said “Back by popular demand, The McRib sandwich.”

If you never had one of these, wear a bib, old clothes, get plenty of napkins, wet paper towels and look for a shower near by. There was enough Sweet Baby Ray’s likened sauce on this baby to float a small boat, or at least a Gator. The two of us made a contest out of who would win the sticky finger, shirt, pants contest. Harrison won this contest and yours truly came in a close second. Thank you Lord for the bountiful backpack with wet naps in it. This is something not to order if eating in your vehicle.

We took a circuitous route back to Salisbury while avoiding main roads. I’m forever requested to turn onto a road after I hear “I wonder where that goes?” It was another adventure that would fill a page in the Journal I keep daily, especially my days with Harrison. I would get my buddy home safe, we would give his beloved Sylvia a recount of our day and especially our McRib adventure.

On this date, our last in the infamous 2020, I have only a few pages left to fill in my Journal. I remain vertical, as does my wife and all those close to me. Mask up my readers, be safe and I’ll see you next year.

Happy New Year

Don’t forget to check on the elderly.

Drawing to a close?

I was meaning to get this out on Monday last, as often happens life got in the way. Just a busy week is all, nothing earth shattering. Monday was spent with my eighty-eight year old friend. When he and I get out, his Mrs. gets a chance to get some personal things done. On this day we traveled north to the town of Ellendale, DE and the Bella Terra Nursery. Being on the safe side we dined Take-Out, Chic-Fil-A fit the bill on Monday. With November coming to an end, I spent time on those Bills that seem to come in each month. The Hutch with the new (7 week old now) chicks needed some tending to, and I started to fence in a run for them. Gotta keep those hostile critters out. I got some PT in on my healing L/knee, old meniscus tear had been acting up. Nothing like cold damp Eastern Shore weather to bring out the worse in man and beast. Wednesday was quite important, in American Football the Baltimore Ravens were playing the Pittsburgh Steelers

Pittsburgh Steelers in a game delayed by Covid interference three different times. Saturday night was the annual WYC Boat Parade on the Wicomico River.

So, here I am a week late, but better late than never is what they say. Who are THEY, my eldest child would ask. Someone’s always has to be accountable, enjoy my friends.

Payette National Forest - News & Events

We’ve dined, dined again, had eaten deserts and over indulged, now it’s time to slow the bulge.

Oh no, this was not all, there was a Smith Island Cake also. Oops, did I mention Ice Cream?

I was trying Keto for a week or two, Thanksgiving arrived and I was through. I looked at my plate as I walked through the line, mostly Carbs were on that plate of mine.

Every Classic Thanksgiving Dish—Ranked! | Eat This Not That

Stuffing, Mac and Cheese, creamy potatoes and French style beans, there I was fulfilling my dreams. I passed on a drumstick and went with the white, smothered in gravy to smooth down the flight, what was I to experience, later that night?

love the look of open windows and breeze blowing through sheer curtains! | Open  window, Windows, Through the window

With Covid around we worried a lot, were we too close, we worried not. The lord gave us warmth of 70 degrees, windows all open and a God given breeze. We ate and rejoiced and there wasn’t a sneeze. Ten days later we’re out of the woods, no one infected with those horrid goods.

Awaiting 32 for a Thanksgiving meal, a year gone by.

Several years ago thirty two places were set, one of our busier Thanksgiving’s yet. With six in the Netherlands stuck in their home, we had no little ones around to roam. Many were missed and thought of with love. For now we are well and trying our best, to remain far apart, from all of the rest.

A Thanksgiving past.

One holiday down with so many alone, who will have Santa enter their home? For you who read these words I’ll pray, that together again we will feast and play.

The gathering 2020. Less the poster crew in the middle.

Cheers to you my reader friends, Christ was the beginning, not the end.

Free Clip Art: Christmas Manger Scene - Ministry Resources /

If you do nothing else, remember the task, in close proximity wear that mask.

Masks may offer better protection against COVID-19 than any potential  vaccine: Experts - ABC News
ABC News
Don’t forget to check on the elderly.