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Gregory Peck it Is!

God is the silence of the universe, and man is the cry that gives meaning to that silence.
Jose Saramago

If that be the case, what of the Rooster, asks this author?

I’m an avid follower of with Anu Greg, I even throw them a $ or two from time to time. Appropriately, at least as this Rooster is concerned, a recent word this week was cock-horse.

(This site gives sharing permission) Thus, we’re all getting educated.


adverb: Mounted with a leg on each side.
noun: A hobby horse.

From cock (rooster) + horse, perhaps from the strutting of a rooster. Earliest documented use: 1566.

The best-known use of the term is in this nursery rhyme:
Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
To see a fine lady upon a white horse;
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
And she shall have music wherever she goes.
As in this nursery rhyme, the term is often used in contexts where a child is riding a hobby horse. The use of the term in today’s usage example though is not as innocent as it sounds. We’ll leave it at that.

“‘Do you want to ride a cock-horse today, Johnny?’ she asked.”
Jak. E. Rander; An Eye for an Eye; Xlibris; 2012.

I was surprised no-one wanted a Game Cock, no one out there from South Carolina?

After waiting another week, most likely due to hanging chad, the poor guy must be still dangling somewhere. Oh, and all the interference from China, Russia, and our friends in the Baltics, we have a WINNER.

We only had three choices after the first vote if you remember. The three to choose from were

Back to the Vote we had going.

  1. Gregory Peck (our winner)
  2. Kung Pow
  3. General Tso

I’m guessing a few of those voters did not see the original blog.

Kipper!!! Someone got a Herring issue!

Russell Crow – This Cock does not eat crow.

Rooster Cogburn after the Duke – (Doubt we could find an eye patch for that one.)

Gunny– Best I did was an E-6 Staff Sgt.

Duke– Duke of Earle? #1 song in 1962

Someone threw in Colonel Sanders, the original passed on some years back, could not resurrect!

Now we say good by to the two losers on the ballot.

Tso, the general is a loser.

Pow, right in the kisser was gone in the first round with a TKO.

About our winner– When Gregory Peck was designated an enemy of the conservative Nixon establishment, it was as much a recognition of his role within the social symbolism of Hollywood films, as a reaction to his personal involvement with liberal causes. If James Stewart, in his work for Frank Capra, nostalgically embodies the populist image of the smalltown good citizen, Peck creates the figure of the decent and fairminded reformer or the fundamentally good man who rises to the moral demands of the occasion. Only rarely have other qualities of Peck’s persona been explored, particularly the resentment and anger which his intensity suggests. It is in these uncharacteristic roles that he has done some of his most interesting as well as some of his worst acting.

Congratulations Gregory Peck, back from the dead and, ready to live and love once more, your going to love these chicks!

His leading ladies are to arrive around 22 October. They shall be young’ns and Gregory shall protect them through the growth process.

There will be 12 leading ladies coming via the USPS. They shall be named after leading ladies of the movies. Some of these ladies are named here in:

Come back in late October for the arrival of Peckers chicks.

Knowing the politics of these days, we can only hope live chickens can still be sent through the mail.

Is your local box still there? Check early, check often. Ooops, that was supposed to be vote early, vote often. We shall check back on 3 November for that one. “Wow” that’s a week prior to the Marine CorpsBirthday! I vote for Chesty Puller.

Don’t forget to check on the elderly.

Semper Fi theRooster

This Rooster needs a name.

On guard and looking for a name.

My being delivered was mentioned previously and names were sought on various venues. Of all the names chosen by my care givers, the Rooster and wife have selected three (3) they could live with. They are;

  1. Gregory Peck
  2. General Tso
  3. Kung Pow

(3) I know, you’re saying Kung Pao was misspelled. Not in this instance however. Mess with me if this turns out to be the name chosen and, POW, right in the kisser!

(2) General Tso, Tso, you wanna mess with me? I will be the leader and the one in charge for the forthcoming flock, I will be charged with to protect. Generally speaking there will be no issues I shall not be able to handle. Generally, get it?

(1) Who in the name of old deceased actors is Gregory Peck? Well Gregory Peck was the the lanky, handsome movie star whose long career included such classics as “Roman Holiday,” “Spellbound” and his Academy Award winner, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” He hung around until age 87. This Rooster likes the sound of longevity.

Gregory Peck is best remembered for his portrayals of honorable men. Whether it was the idealistic lawyer in “To Kill A Mockingbird” or the reporter exposing prejudice in “Gentleman’s Agreement,” Peck was the epitome of quiet courage and moral strength. Yep, that sounds kinda like me. Plus, if I run out of bullets, I can peck your eyes out if you bring mayhem to my flock.

Now just why are you being asked to name a new representative in the flock? Well, for the first time in 17 years, there is no flock. One of our resident Roosters got to go airborne with an American Eagle a few weeks ago. He was the white one in the Rooster’s banner. God rest his soul. We were down to 2 Hens & 1 Rooster and decided to start anew.

Guy Walking Down Train Tracks Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free)  1028336411 | Shutterstock
Google Images

Daughter Sarah suggested a “Free to good home” post in the local FB Web Page. She did the post, Slam, Bam, Thank You Mam, countless contacts applied. Before the next day was out, a meet and greet was arranged and those three now reside across the river. In these parts, it’s kinda like the other side of the tracks. Still haven’t figured out if I’m on the Right or Left side, or is it the other side? Damn Politics!

We have settled on Meyer Hatchery as the Birthing mother for twelve (12) baby hens and one (1) Rooster. They are due on 19 October and shall arrive here on the 22’nd of October. We’ve used Meyer in the past and things have always gone well. We also checked with Murry McMurry Hatchery. Unfortunately no birds that we desired would be available until April. We’ve also used that hatchery in the past and they provided good quality birds as well as Meyer’s did.

It seems this Covid thing has increased the want for birds, chickens in particular. Be it eggs or meat, there is a great market at this time.

So, in the mean time, this rifle toting patriotic bird pictured here today shall be in charge. All we need is a name. Please give us your vote in the comments section and what ever you choose we shall be happy to name him according to our readers wishes.

As they say from our nations capitol, “Vote Early & Vote often.”

Thanks, y’all!

Don’t forget to check on the elderly.

theRooster says Semper Fi